
Languages and frameworks

  • JavaScript / TypeScript - Antd, Axios, Material UI, React.js, Vue.js, Jest, Playwright, Puppeteer
  • Go - Chi, Cobra, Zerolog
  • Python
  • Haskell (learning)

Management and tooling

  • Development - Make, Git
  • Project Management - GitHub, GitLab, Jira, Confluence
  • Databases - AWS DynamoDB, PostgreSQL
  • CI / CD - Github Actions, Jenkins, Octopus Deploy
  • IAC - AWS CloudFormation, AWS CDK, Helm, Terraform

Platforms and services

  • Cloud - AWS
  • Platforms - Serverless, Docker, Kubernetes
  • Observability - New Relic, Splunk


Flight Centre - DevOps Engineer

Oct 2022 - Now

  • Supporting developers in implementing well-architected solutions with a focus on security
  • Maintaining and deploying infrastructure shared across multiple business units
  • Integrating SaaS products with existing infrastructure with a focus on developer experience

Flight Centre - Full Stack Software Engineer

Nov 2021 - Oct 2022

  • Building scalable, flexible solutions from the ground up
  • Implementing effective application observability
  • Integrating legacy services with next-generation technology for eventual replacement

Credfin - Software Engineer

Jan 2019 - Oct 2021

  • Working and sometimes leading in a team utilising agile development principles
  • Migrating, maintaining, and extending customer facing products
  • Architecting and implementing scalable microservices
  • Enhancing and maintaining continuous integration/deployment strategies
  • Building and enhancing data aggregation services
  • Creating a dashboard to aid developer experience interacting with the backend

Sortal - Intern

Nov 2018 - Jan 2019

  • Implementing machine learning model integration into a microservice architecture


Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)

University of Queensland - Graduated 2021

Favourite courses include:

  • CSSE2310 - Computer Systems Principles and Programming
  • DECO3800 - Design Computing Studio 3 - Proposal
  • DECO3801 - Design Computing Studio 3 - Build
  • COMP4403 - Compilers and Interpreters

Stuff I’m working on

huisheng - Discord bot

Kubernetes, Discord, TypeScript

What was originally just an experimental learning project for writing a bot became a full-featured Discord bot used regularly by two Discord servers. Primary feature is playing audio from YouTube. Automated CI/CD pipeline to build, push, notify, and rollout.

iac - IAC monorepo

AWS CDK, Helm, Terraform, TypeScript

One-stop-shop for all things IAC. Contains my definitions for AWS, GitHub, Auth0, and (soon to come), Kubernetes resources.