As a homelab or self-hoster who has deployed a couple services and would now like to access their services from outside their home network, you may have come to the dilemma of … how?

If you don’t want to read my rambling, you can skip to Setting up.

To make the long trek from your coffee shop / office / airport to your home network, you will need a couple things coming together:

  • Ownership of a domain
  • An authoritative DNS provider
  • A static IP or something which will handle routing to the correct IP
  • Exposing your content on your host

My Journey

Bare Metal: Port-forward and Dynamic DNS

This is the most low-tech option and requires the least moving parts. with the added spice of opening up your home network to the nasty web. I started off with this as I was a fledgling in the world of self-hosting, with a vague understanding that it was risky.

  • Open up ports in your router
  • Use a cron to update your DNS of choice with your current IP

This had many downfalls. All network requests were hitting bare metal, with no load balancing or caching. The cron that updates DNS was not reactive, access could be lost for as long as it took for the cron to fire again. Most obviously, I was leaking my IP address and opening up my home network to intrusion.

Moving to the Cloud: Load Balancers and VPCs

During my research, I stumbled across Oracle Cloud Infrastructures (OCI) generous free tier which grants one VPC, an application and a network load balancer, and two compute instances. Excited, I signed up for an account and started clicking through the UI, spinning up a compute instance and VPC. The VPC panel is where my excitement started to wane, setting up the appropriate secure network traffic ACL and route tables via the various subnets was a non-trivial task for a beginner and I soon found myself slowing down to a snails pace trying to understand the various intricacies of VPCs. Additionally, I was somewhat concerned that the architecture was overly complicated for what seemed like a fairly simple use-case. Hence, the next step.

Cloudflare Tunnels

Not willing to commit to OCI, I stumbled across Cloudflare Tunnels (originally Argo Tunnels), a service by Cloudflare that provides a mechanism to proxy traffic between private hosts and Cloudflares endpoints, preserving privacy. This seemed ideal for my use-case with minimal components to manage (a price of $0 is also a bonus!).

The Implementation

As the target is a Kubernetes cluster, I will be using external-dns, a service which synchronises DNS entries in third-party DNS providers. Additionally, external-dns-cloudflare-tunnel-webhook will be deployed alongside to provide the integration with Cloudflare Tunnels. See more about this setup over at Creating a Webhook Provider for External DNS

Setting up

Once you have a free Cloudflare account, note down the account ID (at Then, set up the following:

  • A site which will contain the DNS entries for your services
  • A tunnel (take note of the tunnel ID)
  • An API token with Cloudflare Tunnel:Edit and DNS:Edit for the relevant site and tunnel

You can then make these values available to your Kubernetes cluster (via Vault, secrets, etc). E.g.

kubectl create secret generic external-dns-cloudflare-tunnel \
    --namespace external-dns \
    --from-literal CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID=<account id> \
    --from-literal CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN=<api token> \
    --from-literal CLOUDFLARE_TUNNEL_ID=<tunnel id>

To install external-dns, use the helm chart:

helm repo add external-dns
helm upgrade external-dns external-dns/external-dns --install --values ./values.yaml

Example values.yaml

The following values configures external-dns to watch Kubernetes services annotated with with a domain ending in It also deploys external-dns-cloudflare-tunnel-webhook as a sidecar which external-dns will communicate with using webhooks.

logLevel: info
logFormat: json

policy: sync
registry: noop
interval: 1h
triggerLoopOnEvent: true

sources: [service]
domainFilters: []

  pullPolicy: Always

  name: webhook
      tag: latest
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
          - ALL
      privileged: false
      readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
      runAsGroup: 65532
      runAsNonRoot: true
      runAsUser: 65532
      - name: LOG_LEVEL
        value: debug
      - name: DOMAIN_FILTERS
            name: external-dns-cloudflare-tunnel
            key: CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID
            name: external-dns-cloudflare-tunnel
            key: CLOUDFLARE_TUNNEL_ID
            name: external-dns-cloudflare-tunnel
            key: CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN


You should end up with a Kubernetes cluster that will automatically create, update, and delete DNS entries in Cloudflare whenever you make the same change to a service or ingress.